Value Proposition
Your value proposition is a statement of how you bring added value to your team, department or organization and why you have the necessary requirements to be selected for the job, team or client engagement. To develop your value propostion be sure to include the following components:
- Your professional background, education, work experience
- Summary of your personal brand, what you do, the market you serve
- What you are uniquely known for within your organization
- What you are uniquely known for in the marketplace
- Your track record: teams and projects served, clients/customers served
- Your results or accomplishments toward the collective effort
- Your ability to maintain key relationships for your team and organization
- Your ability to develop others
- Your ability to lead
- Your ability to influence others
- Your abiity to sell and grow the business, if relevant
- Revenues generated by you and your team
- New business won by you and your team
- Your eminence in your area of expertise: articles, presentations
- Your ability to engage in continuous learning
- Your business network
Your value proposition is a summary statement of your contributions to advancing the aim of your team and/or organization, over time, with evidence to support your record of accomplishments.